ALL HAIL PRINCESS DONNA!! Its her birthday and she is out to test the perverted loyalties of her subjects with her favorite and most brutal electric toy, the CATTLE PROD. Simone Sonay and Syren de Mer are caged, fondled, fucked, and DISGRACED by an eager crowd of her highnesss party attendees. Guests line up and beg Princess Donna to bless them with a jolt of her majestys sadistic tool of torture. Maitresse Madeline and Zander appear to entertain the crowd and keep the slaves in line!! A good game of SWITCH! commences as Syren and Simone are turned against each other and challenged as to who has the toughest wired pussy. SHOCKED TAINTS, DILDOS ON STICKS, CAGED FONDLED WOMEN, AN EAGER AUDIENCE, DEEP THROATING, SPANKING, FLOGGING, and ELECTRO PLAY. What more could a princess wish for on her birthday? oh yeah, a birthday song sung by two SLUTBAGS with their mouths full of COCK!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCESS!

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ALL HAIL PRINCESS DONNA!! Its her birthday and she is out to test the perverted loyalties of her subjects with her favorite and most brutal electric toy, the CATTLE PROD. Simone Sonay and Syren de Mer are caged, fondled, fucked, and DISGRACED by an eager crowd of her highnesss party attendees. Guests line up and beg Princess Donna to bless them with a jolt of her majestys sadistic tool of torture. Maitresse Madeline and Zander appear to entertain the crowd and keep the slaves in line!! A good game of SWITCH! commences as Syren and Simone are turned against each other and challenged as to who has the toughest wired pussy. SHOCKED TAINTS, DILDOS ON STICKS, CAGED FONDLED WOMEN, AN EAGER AUDIENCE, DEEP THROATING, SPANKING, FLOGGING, and ELECTRO PLAY. What more could a princess wish for on her birthday? oh yeah, a birthday song sung by two SLUTBAGS with their mouths full of COCK!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCESS!

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